Struggling with excess oil in your hair can be a slippery slope, and you’re not alone in this. Let’s dive into a few insightful questions that might shine a light on potential causes and solutions:
- Frequency of Washing: How often do you wash your hair compared to how many days you let pass between washes? Finding the right balance is key.
- Product Choices: What’s in your hair care arsenal? Shampoo, conditioner, and other products play pivotal roles in managing oiliness.
- Hair Handling: How often do you find yourself touching your hair throughout the day? Your hands, while they do many wonders, can also transfer oils to your hair, adding to the grease you’re trying to manage.
- Styling Secrets: How do you style your hair? Techniques and tools make a difference.
- Lifestyle: Do you live or work in an environment that is potentially damaging to your hair (hard water / hot kitchens / blue collar work)
- Genetics: Do your genetics mean that you produce a lot of oil, or have less hair to absorb it?
- Health: Hair, skin, and nails are the first indicators of your health. How well you’re taking care of you can determine how well your body can take care of you back. That includes how fast your scalp produces oil.
Most off-the-shelf hair care products might not always hit the mark for everyone, leading to a few common issues:
- Some fail to clean thoroughly, leaving oil yesterday’s oil to add to tomorrow’s problem.
- Others might use ingredients known to be endocrine disruptors thus causing health issues that prompt your scalp to overcompensate with more oil.
- Or, they leave behind a residue that traps oils and hinders their natural flow through your hair, be it soap scum, wax, or even plastic.
That’s why we advocate for a more discerning approach in selecting hair care products. We only work with and recommend brands that are clean, effective, and care about you!
Did You Know? Post-Covid hair changes are real, and an increase in oil production is among them. The good news is, a Clarifying Treatment can bring back balance.
Investing in high-quality shampoos and conditioners tailored to your hair type can turn the tide on oil production issues. We’re fans of Eufora for its gentle yet effective cleaning, which keeps hair feeling fresher longer without harsh effects or residue.
Remember, not all bottles in the shower are created equal.
Ensure you’re reaching for a product labeled “Shampoo” or “Cleansing” to actually clean your hair. Misusing a conditioning treatment as shampoo is a common mix-up but one that can exacerbate oiliness.
When washing your hair, keep going until it feels clean – that slightly rubbery or spongey texture is your cue. You’ll notice the lather becomes richer and whiter as oil and buildup wash away. Remember oils eat suds and water activates shampoo, and while some cleansing products contain foam fillers that lather immediately upon contact, Eufora’s formulations opt instead to use lather as a sign of how clean your hair is getting, meaning if it isn’t foaming, keep going.
Relearning how to wash your hair is a journey, not a sprint. Take your time and make sure you feel your hair in between each rinse. We do highly recommend partnering with a hairstylist local to you to walk you through how to properly cleanse your hair.
Styling Your Hair:
Believe it or not, the way you dry your hair can impact oiliness. Blow drying or diffusing might be more beneficial than air drying, helping to distribute natural oils more effectively through your hair, and preventing the water from irritating your scalp into producing more oils.
Concerned about heat damage? Today’s hairdryers, especially when paired with modern hair care products containing heat protectants, offer a far safer heat option compared to direct heat tools like flat irons. Context is key when it comes to hair care advice, and “avoiding heat” was usually aimed the overuse of flat irons and curling irons during a time when the standard was a not-adjustable 400ºF and up, and before we had heat protectant sprays that effectively protected against direct heat of metal on hair. Hair dryers are a form of indirect heat (the heating element heats the air), much lower heat, and most of our hair care contains some mild heat protectants to cover us. Just remember, if it’s too hot for your skin and scalp, it’s too hot for your hair. Keep the dryer moving!
Extending Wash Intervals:
This is a tailored choice, often only recommended for preserving vibrant hair colors. While it’s tempting to stretch washes as far as possible, we advocate washing more frequently than every five days to maintain scalp health and prevent issues like fungal growth.
Genetics and Health Factors:
Let your lifestyle and genetics dictate how frequently you should be washing, not the other way around. If your genetics dictate that your scalp produces a lot of oil, and your hair is fine and thin, there may not be much you can do. Using the best products and techniques is key to making sure you look your absolute best as long as possible, and that includes taking as good a care of you as possible. Your hair, skin, and nails are the first indicators of your health, and that includes how much and how quickly sebum is produced as well as how fast your hair grows.